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Thursday, July 14, 2011

The government has to change

Spanish "a movement of angry 15-M spread to Europe, came to Rome, Paris and Berlin, and advertise to and from South America.

FEVER protest started on Sunday evening, 15 May, with Madrid's famous square Puerta del Sol (the sun gate), and that no one knows when it will end and where will it stop.

The movement was launched, almost spontaneously, when they are young and unemployed, and there are too many in Spain, called on civic associations, nongovernmental and student organizations, all but the political parties and trade unions, to the streets of Spanish cities organizing peaceful "protests of angry" to life and hopelessness that has brought about economic crisis and the inability of the authorities.

The mass was attended by "angry" people, which has been dubbed "bitter" and also "Desperado's" in most Spanish cities such as Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Granada. The whole action, which is the first day of "received" in 58 Spanish cities, was named "The movement of angry 15-M", signifying the essence of its name and date of the first protests and gatherings. The world press, also spontaneously, called the protest "the Spanish revolution," and probably because the protests in a few days spread to many European cities.

Perhaps too much to call this peaceful protests, which are convened for a day, but in the long run, "the Spanish revolution." Rather, it was a Spanish flu that will shake people's months south of Europe, and perhaps its northern regions.

The wave has already arrived in Athens. In recent days tens of thousands of angry citizens of that country, also faces a cruel crisis, gathered outside the national parliament. They carried a banner on which was written in Spanish, "And we woke up." It was a message that the wave of the Puerta del Sol, where demonstrators are protesting and camping every day, and came hot to the Greek capital.

Message soon protests from Madrid and arrived to Rome, Paris and Berlin. And advertise the "angry" far from Mexico and Buenos Aires. In Barcelona "Desperados" flooded the squares, and saw a violent confrontation with police.

After two years of recession, the Spanish economy can not raise his head, the country is in debt up to their necks, unemployment has jumped from eight to 21 percent, and the power of all that there is no answer.

"The movement of angry", then, against the political power that is unable to solve anything. And against the party bipartite, which is reduced to one popular: Dismount Sancho, to ride thereon, Pancho.

This movement was their outrage expressed in the position that the protest action will not see any political parties or trade unions. A recent poll showed that 89 percent of Spaniards think that the political parties for nothing, to deal with them and that their corruption is "the blood".

Former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez, who has long since retired from political life, consider the "M-15 Movement" phenomenon that can not be underestimated. Maybe someone will think, he says, that this has dodirene point to what is happening in the Arab world. Perhaps, but the differences are large. Arabs are looking for: we want to vote, and the Spaniards say, not worth a vote. Disaffected young generation of Spaniards are asking the company for more than voting rights.

It is, however, the heterogeneous, spontaneous movement and undefined. But even so, it is clear the view that the western model of democracy, what is Spanish, there is no response to the current crisis, or, worse, he generates breaks with which the world faces today. That is why the "M-15" against the political class in power, against the vain and bipartite
corruption. Angry young men seek to open up prospects for a job, housing, health care, education, justice.

Angry movement in Spain, and probably in Europe, writes the influential "Pais" in an editorial, expressing protest against the government that is unable to solve their life problems. States, such as it is, its parliamentary system, a political party and its political leaders, not only are unable to resolve anything, but arrogantly abused the power given to them.

What does CHANGE angry and desperate "Desperado's" in the Spanish and European marketplaces? Simply put, they want to change your life, and that means society as it is. And state government, inefficient and alienated.

Until then everything is clear. But what is the alternative, ask the commentators in Spain and abroad. We know what "angry movement" will not, and we know and what they want, but it is unclear where the solution, especially if one bears in mind that nobody in the movement are no match for a return to a failed utopia and painful, as it were, for example, it Marxist-Leninist.

True, and very scared right accuses Spain of protest participants that they were communists and socialists took under his wing.

- Nonsense! - Correspond to the "angry". - We are not fighting for votes, but the decision concerning our destiny.

And no solution, neither in Spain nor Greece, nor in Portugal. Not even mighty America can not be wriggle the enormous debts.


MOVEMENT angry "15-M" was supported by about 480 different civic associations, nongovernmental organizations throughout Spain. Among them are the "Association of neighbors," "Do not vote for them", "Anonymous Society", "Facebook Generation", "Youth without a future."

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