How to getTwitterfollowersis theissue thatmost people arefacing. Seesome peopleor sitesthathave thousands offollowers, and they can notfindevena few hundred. This is becausethese peopleorsites arebrands, and you're not. Orthey justbuythousands offollowers, it's the worst thing you can do. Becausethesefollowersare not targetedand not havesome greatuse out of them, plusmost of them willunfollowforseveraldays. I'll explaintechniques thatI useto findtargetedTwitterfollowers.
1) Make up your profile
The first thingyou needtodo is to makesome cosmeticchanges to your profile.
You have to useyour nameand notyour websitenameor something, because yourwebsite is not abrand, buton the otherhandpeoplearemucheasier todecideto followother peoplerather thanwebsites.
You have to useyour image as profile picture and nota logoor other imageno matter howinteresting that picture is.
You need to changethe backgroundof your profileandyour profileheader. Findtwo interestingpicturesrelated toyournicheand setthem asbackground of yourprofile, and aheaderof your profile.
2) Followother people
Thisis the oldest Twitter technique, starttofollowingothers andothers willfollow you. I do notwant to followanyone,because most people arenot activeordo not sharewith their friends, orthey are not interested. You need to findtargetedfollowersthat are active,interestedand share interesting thingswith theirfollowers. I explainedthis techniquein the videoat thebeginning of thepost.
3) Postpictures
On Twitter applythe same ruleas forFacebook, people just like tosharean interestingpicturewith their friends. Find interesting imagesrelatedto yourniche, accompaniedwith some interestingtext,and share itwith yourfollowersand theywillshare withtheirfollowers. I explainedthis techniquein the videoat thebeginning of thepost.
4) Replay toother people'stweets
Findpeople in yournichewho havethousands offollowersandwho are veryactive, starttofollowthemand seewhen they makethe mosttweets. Beamong the firsttoseethetweetandreplay onhim with some relatedinterestingpicture or videoaccompanied byinterestingtext. In this way, many people will retweet your replay to their followers.
The Chineseare the largest consumersof goodsin the worldluxuryfront ofAmericans, accounting for25 percent.The Chineseboughtluxurygoods worth53 billioneuros.
The Chineseare the largest consumersof goodsin the worldluxuryfront ofAmericans, accounting for25 percentof totalworldconsumptionof luxury goods.
The Chinesein 2012 .luxuryboughtgoods worth53 billioneuros,while the marketthese goodsintotal revenuesthis yearof 212billioneuros.
The Chineseluxurytwo-thirds, or 63percentof goodsin 2012. continental boughtoutpart oftheir homeland,andtheotherin Taiwan andHong Kongand Macao, andthe percentagecontinues to grow, according to areport by"Benand company."
That percentage was in 2009. was 56 percent in 2010. the figure rose to 59 percent in 2011. to 60 percent. At
the same time, in the continental part of the People's Republic of
China's consumption of luxury goods this year increased by only seven
percent. This
trend is partly explained primarily growth in the number of tourists
from the People's Republic of China throughout the world. So the French 2009th visited by 600,000 citizens of the People's Republic of China, and the 2011th even 1.1 million. "We
should not forget that the reason for buying Chinese citizens abroad
and additional taxation of luxury goods in China, where the price is 30
to 40 percent. Because Chinese people are waiting to go to Europe and
buy the lower cost of luxury goods," the director said, "Ben and the company, "Joel de Montgolfije. China market 2012th sold luxury goods worth 23 billion euros, well below the 59 billion euros earned in the territory of the United States. Consumption of luxury goods in Japan this year amounted to 19.7 billion euros, 18.2 billion, Italy, France 15.1 billion. "A
taste of Chinese customers are becoming more refined, so that 65 luxury consumer goods from Beijing and Shanghai shows a tendency of
buying products with less prominent markings brands," said Director of
De Mongolfije. Chinese
women are increasingly seeking cosmetic products, while their
compatriots shows highest affinity for clocks, carried the Canadian
broadcasters. The
research firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG) recently showed that in the
People's Republic of China, 20 percent of the population by 2020. be wealthy enough to be able to be called "rich". It
is believed that up to 280 million people, then do the wealthy class in
the People's Republic of China, and their purchasing power will amount
to 3.1 billion dollars a year, or five percent of global consumption,
said BCG. BCG ranks as the rich people whose annual disposable income per household is 20,000 to one million dollars. Initial
figure of $ 20,000, adjusted to take into account differences in
purchasing power, equal to the annual disposable income of $ 38,000 in
the most developed markets. By
2020, the consumption of the "rich" in the People's Republic of China
will be almost equal to Japan's total consumption in a given year, 128
percent higher than in Germany and three times higher than in the South
Korean consumer, said BCG.
GDP Average totaldomestic product(GDP) percapitain thePeople's Republic ofChinain 2011.reached5432U.S. dollars, farmore than1135U.S.dollarsin 2002.
The future ofcommercial airlooksquitedifferent in the eyesof innovativeaero-engineersand designers who haveintroduced newtypes of aircraft,in an effortto make themfaster,more efficientand environmentally friendly.
Delta Force
Corporation "Northrop Grumman"createdthis"flying wing"on whichengines will bebuilton the uppersurface of theaircraft,in order tomitigatethe morenoisethey produce.
N3-X,NASA'slatest"child",is one of thehybridaircraft, andthe airis liftedoverthe surface, causinghis wingsless than the"fat"body.In this way,reduce fuel consumption,as well as thelength of therunwayfor takeoff.
Anothermodelwith widerfuselageMITD8has onlyone flawthatwillappeal totravelers,and thishas reducedthe number of windowsinrelationto the number ofseats,which can createa sense ofclaustrophobia.
NASAhas developed amodel of"Amelia"aircraftas a hybrid,whichlooks likethewings ofthe aircraftto"grow up"directlyfrom the trunk, whichshould providea more comfortableflyingat higher altitudes.
In the box
Wing-shapeddiamondboxes, such asthe modelof "LockheedMartin"and NASA, are nowfeasiblein practicedue tothe ultralightfibers thatarereinforcedcomposite materials.
Lift me up
BoeingModel"SugarVolt"is characterized byitslongwings, butheis the most radicalfeaturethatfeatures a hybrid electricmotor.
The global crisishasaffectedwater.Climate change, which manyscientistsblame theirresponsiblebehaviorof the great powers,the world'shighesttransmitterexhaustgasesthat causethe greenhouse effect,caused byparallel-droughtandmassivefloods.
Although, as seenfrom space,two-thirdsof our planetis coveredwith water, the viewfrom the groundrevealsa completelydifferent picture.Only twoand a half percentof that waterisusablefor drinking.
-Photoof deadcowsin the wildernessthatevokesany reference tothe globalwater crisis,formany people it isa reality.Butin this crisisthere are manymore dimensions-said ProfessorJeffDebelko, an expert inecologyfrom the Universityof Ohio.
Not only will it increase the population, but their habitats will be moved to the cities, and it is anticipated that by 2050. as much as two-thirds of humanity to live in them. This means that water needs, but critical in arid regions of the world, in addition to the increase. The consequences are numerous, from the food to the industry. Some
richer countries, such as China, Saudi Arabia and South Korea,
therefore, of interest already occupied land in developing countries. According to the forecasts of the Group for Water Resources, 2030. The water demand could exceed "bid" for as much as 40 percent. Accelerated water consumption has been recorded in North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. According
to data from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in less than 40
years, one in five developing countries will not have enough water. Symptomatic
example of India, where the satellite photos of the north, they found a
worrying degree of soil drying due to large-scale irrigation. Ground
water is reduced by as much as 30 centimeters a year, threatening
crisis in the supply of the precious liquid for about 115 million
people. According to UN data, the use of groundwater to total tripled in the last 50 years. In China and India, and the water is consumed faster than they can be renewed. The result is that half of the global population lives in countries where there are serious problems with water supply. This
trend is further accelerated due to the cutting of forests, land
drainage, poor maintenance of water infrastructure in cities. Climate change is a "trigger" for both water shortages, and floods. First they best illustrate the drought in some parts of the world, including Serbia. The
heat in the U.S. and Europe, for which Panel on Climate Change, says it
will only increase next year, but it caused a chain reaction of
consequences, most notably a jump in food prices. The targets are the poorest who spend more than half of income on food. The same cause, on the other hand, products in other parts of the world the opposite effect - mass floods:
-Wealwaysknewthat thehurricaneasa"send"can cometo New York.But itis happening nowwith theelevatedlevel ofthe sea,whichcontinues to rise-notesdroughtspecialistat ColumbiaUniversity in New YorkRichardSeager.
By mid-century,annual runoffof waterin sometropical regionswillbe increased to20 to 40percent, andwill reduceby 10to 30percentin someareas, butdry,predictsPanelon Climate Change.That couldhitmanywaterlessareasof the Mediterranean,throughparts ofthe United States,southern Africa,northeasternBrazil,to Australia.
More than asixth ofthe world's populationrelies onwaterfrom meltingglaciers.Butbecause of climate change,predictsthe U.S. NationalIntelligence Council,this immigrationwillbe reduced anddoes causeproblemswithwater supply.
Overall, theOECDpredicts thatby 2030.Almost halftheworld's populationto liveunder stress due towater,eachof thirst, anotherflood.The risksofdroughtand excessivewater overflowto the end ofthe centurywillbeincreased.
Greatly affectedtheurban areasof the developing world,butthe weather woescouldbe developedto such an extentthatharm thewell-controlledstructure asnow,generally,does the UnitedStates.NationalIntelligence Council, moreover,predicts that thewhole countrycouldfind themselvesin troublebecause of the water,whenpeopleare dissatisfied withthegovernment'swrathpoured out.
Ifproblems are notsolvedin time, it is anticipatedthat thesupply of watertobe complicated, and the risksofdisease,energywoes,willopen conflictinevitable.
Futuristicanalyzes indicatethat the economic situationin the coming decadeswill bevery different, withmuch higher consumptionof foodandenergy andthe increase in populationby 30percent.
All consequences ofdrought,climate change, irrational exploitation of natural resources-Perpendicularto the groundin lessthan half acentury, according to thepredictions ofthe experts.A studybythe London"Šroderinvestment"statesthat in thenextfortyyearsthe populationincreasedby 30percent, andfoodand energywillbecome abenefit.
Another studybankingcompany"Citigroup"predictseconomicturbulenceinthe pedestal.China willsurpass the U.S.grossdomestic product,ahigher GDP thanRussiawill- India.
-Therefore, thescope ofthe globaleconomy will betripled,while increasingdemand for food,housing, cars-thisaccording to aU.S. study.-To meetthe needswill require35 percentmore foodand 37percentmoreenergy.
Bothanalyzes showthefuturisticneweconomic power-China."Shroderinvestment"saysthat this countrythe 2060thhave a shareintheworld economyby28 percent andbecome the leadingeconomy in the world.Banking firm"Citigroup"Chinaearlierreleasesinthe foreground.
-China will2025thbythenominalgrossdomestic product ofU.S.threatened-sayexperts in thisbusiness.-In the third placewillbeahead of Russia,acrossIndia.Brazil,which currentlyoccupies theseventh position,butnext yearwillovertakeFrance and Britain, andIndiawillsucceed2015thyear.
According to analyzes ofU.S. bankeconomists,India will havea higher GDPthan Germany2020thwhenRussia willalreadyexceedFrance, Canadaand the UK.
Governments of developedcountriesshould, according to the"Citigroup"to adoptfiscalpolicies thatwill encouragethe constructionof residentialareas, using publictransportation, andmoderateconsumptionof food.
-A new economicmodel requiresa more responsibleenvironmentalpolicy based on thecontrolled useof limited resources-researchers say.-Reformsin the area ofenergycan increase theliving standards ofthe country's populationby 16percent over the next50 years.