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Monday, January 28, 2013

The myth of Eldorado gold live again

What is truth and what is myth in the story of the lost city of riches. Visits to the treasures that are not related to the end, but for a man to have confirmed recent research.

Times of crisis have again revived the myth of gold Eldorado. South American Indian legend, oral tradition that has assumed proportions of the myth of a lost, golden paradise, Eldorado, has led many conquistador in the rainforest and mountains of South America during the 15th and 16 century.

Their search ended in the discovery of the New World countries, but never Eldorado, and they eventually transformed a symbol of the dream of a desired but unattainable.

Recent archaeological studies, however, have cast a new light on the whole story. Confirmation that Eldorado means "golden man", not a "golden place" (sp. El indio dorado - Indian gold, sp. Dorado El Rey - The King of Gold), showed not only from the new angle of an ancient Indian beliefs, but and launched a new type of "gold rush".

The myth of Eldorado born around the 1530th in the Colombian Andes, where Gonzalo Jimenez de conquistador Quesada found Muisko Indians tribes. The story which I heard from Indian elders quickly spread and took on mythic dimensions. It was a story about the golden Eldorado man, not in gold, but its expansion and beautification transformed the myth of Eldorado, a rich kingdom, the king of gold.

The transformation of the myth the legend, the king of gold by the end of gold, had a great influence on European conquistador, especially Spaniards. Fascinated by the story, Francisco de Gonzalo Pizarro and Oreljana the 1541st led an expedition during which they did not find El Dorado, but they discovered Amazon.

Expedition 1541-1545. German Baron Philip von Hutena looking for Eldorado led him to Venezuela. In the 1569th Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada organized the expedition that started in Bogota. English nobleman Sir Walter Rowley continued pursuit 1595, and his book is placed Eldorado somewhere along the Orinoco (Venezuela today). This place was on the cards sailors and explorers, as long as its absence did not prove Alexander von Humboldt.

Although the Spanish never found Eldorado, yet they amassed great treasures seized by the Indians of South and Central America. Gold that were taken back to Spain was so significant that shook the country's economy.

Search for Eldorado Europeans did not, therefore, would be completely without merit. Historical documents and archaeological discoveries have agreed on the usual story Musika that begins after the death of the ruler of the enthronement ceremony of the new, usually his nephew, who in a special ritual, totally naked, but covered with gold dust and gold ornate decorations, items for worship of the precious metal and gems - throwing them into the lake.

One of these sacred objects, a device with a small gold figurines, found in 1969. in a cave south of Bogota. Similar items were found in the waters of the lakes in this part of the world, which the Indians considered sacred, they found not only the specific alloy of gold Tumbaga, "tailor-made" of gold, silver and copper, but also an extraordinary technique of making Europe what that time is not known.

The notion that this nation is almost half its total gold production was offering as a gift to the gods, believing that by contributing to the harmony of society Muiska, it became the "trigger" for the invasion of Europeans in Eldorado. For the gold that Muiske watched as the spiritual value of the Europeans who went in it recognized only material value.

Desperate hunt for gold, for which they have over the centuries many of them left their lives in the South American wilderness, revived again. Former clash of civilizations around the different views on the value of gold, now turned into a battle of archaeologists who want to preserve the legacy of the ancient nation of thieves and ready for anything to get their hands on that golden treasures.

The molten civilization

Seventies thieves they reached such quantities of gold, in northern Colombia that caused the earthquake of this metal in the market, as it sometimes happened in Spain. Most of these cases were melted, which was destroyed forever their significance valuable data about the ancient civilization. What is, however, preserved in the museums of Bogota and London, testifies not only to the beliefs of the ancients, differing views on gold, but it is also a valuable addition to the truth in the myth of Eldorado.

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