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Monday, February 25, 2013

3D Pen: Draw the Eiffel Tower in three dimensions

Created the first 3D pen "3Doodler" that will be the end of the year on sale.

A young company dealing with toys "WoobleWorks" from Bastion, a few years working on a prototype and is ready to launch an innovative pen.

How claims the company, "3Doodler" pen or pencil 3D print, will use the so-called writing. "plastic thread" that would be immediately printed, hardened by a small fan (blowing cold air) on top of the 3D pen.

"Anyone who knows how to use a pen, will be able to use this pen and 3D print that we designed for the three dimensional printing. You can draw on any surface and even 3Doodler lift into the air to create your own 3D objects."

Developers and add that to use these 3D pens there is no need for any additional software or technology, it takes only an hour or two getting used to learning and working with her, and then just let my imagination. What is it like when you see 3D pencil drawing in the video.

Monday, February 18, 2013

How to get a girl to like you

The secret of attraction for some is detected at birth. Charisma and seductive skills are an attribute of their fatality, which without much effort conquer women. However, there are those who must discover the secret of attraction millimeter by millimeter, constantly learning from mistakes, and new experiences. Honestly, the first option is much easier. However, both are among those who like to work hard for their success (because they are the only truly appreciate the way), here are some tips you can give on the subject of attraction and varied activities, as defined in a number of our mistakes and experiences.

Do not hurry

Most men, when he meets a new girl he wants a serious relationship, hurry up to it as soon as possible and formalize. So are some of the most common mistakes, so it is too early call your girlfriend or your love him more than you are afraid of death, for example, I love you. Slowly. Love is a game, and every game (although in this honesty the most important), there is a tactic which must be taken so that it stayed with you. Her moments of weakness wise use. Closer to her as much as possible, get under your skin. However, if you feel that the wall erected insists that it does not tear down. Let me do it myself.


Sex and kres combination, can be the beginning of your relationship. However, if you want something more, sex can not maintain your efforts to achieve it. For something more is needed, and more. Ties, in addition to sex, based on common interests, partners, and the conversation (which are smarter and more interesting), is one of the key ways to win over in the field. Girls like men who keep their attention, not boring, and that they represent an intellectual challenge. Wit and humor that keeps his smile from her lips are big plus for you. Try it!


Be as you are. Do not try to represent yourself as someone else, someone of whom you think would be appealing to her because she is very easy to debunk your mask. Let her get to know you as you are, with all the ups and downs, and decide for themselves whether she likes it or not. If you give up, there's no better sign of this that maybe it was not for you, less than what you were to her. Be yourself and you will find his girlfriend.

Hot and cold

If you are really serious about being a tie to work, you have to constantly keep her attention. Sometimes this is achieved by constantly reheating the fire, and sometimes the effect is better achieved by reducing and intensifying passion. It is not a secret that the old desire of striking works. After all, the best fish caught on a hook when her little silk loosen and tighten. Just make sure that the fire of passion does not go too far, because the fire at any time must not go out.


To sum up. You'll receive if you are not pushy if you are interesting and funny, if you're honest, if you are skilled in flirtation and seduction, but can only win, if you're brave. At one point you'll have to hit the loop and make the call on a first date that will formalize your relationship (or fail completely). Whatever happens, the agony must end, and the easiest way to the end if the brave, like every real man we ask for a drink? If she says yes, great, but if you say no it's not a reason to cancel the varied activities.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Rex, an indicator of how far science has arrived

Rex bionic man, specially made ​​for the Channel 4 documentary, the sum of the existing advanced artificial organs and prostheses. However, Rex has opened many moral questions.

It cost a million dollars and is made up of artificial limbs and organs taken from all over the world.

Bionic man Rex (short for robotic exoskeleton), about 180 centimeters high, the researchers made ​​a documentary for Britain's Channel 4, which should indicate where science and technology are reached.

However, this research has created a certain moral dilemma - the advancement of prosthetic and artificial organs could mean that scientists will soon be able not only to complement the physical defects, but also to improve them, writes Daily Mail.
Dr. Berthold Meyer, a social psychologist from Switzerland, who has his 35,000 euros worth of bionic limb because he was born without a left hand, believes that this is exciting and a little scary.
"We may have reached a point where science and technology are beginning to show the first signs of opportunities to go beyond the limits of evolution," says Meyer.
"The danger is that we will influence what is human in us. Creating a new species that can be turned against us' to bite us, "like the Frankenstein myth, when it will be released and becomes uncontrolled and destructive," adds George Anas, a professor of bioethics and human rights at Boston University.
Bionic man put together the UK's leading robotic Richard Walker and Matthew Godin.
Rex has, say, an artificial eye that consists of a microchip embedded in the retina, which receives the video from the camera placed in the patient's glasses. It then sends electrical signals that the brain translates into shapes and forms.
Professor Robert McLaren of the University of "Oxford", said: "We hope that the patients who are totally blind can see basic shapes and forms."

Scientists also believe that artificial organs - heart, kidneys, pancreas and spleen - can solve the lack of donors in the world.

For example, "SynCardia Systems' artificial heart has already saved lives - more than 1,000 were built. It runs on batteries and can temporarily replace diseased heart until a donor, the authors emphasize Wrexham.

There are also prosthetic foot and ankle, which was developed by Professor Hugh Her Institute of Technology "Massachusetts" - imitating the movements of muscles and Achilles tendon.

Her, who lost his legs due to freezing in mountain climbing accident, says he now climbs better than before.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Movies adapted to Chinese

Hollywood producers make large concessions to their works placed on the largest market outside the U.S.. Cinema tickets in China costs 13 dollars.

While studio "Sonny" rubbing their hands because of the recent earnings of the James Bond film "Skayfol" in Chinese cinemas, another Hollywood "giants" the right strategies in order to win those China. Because, by profit that brings Hollywood movies, this Far East country last year, came in second place, just behind the USA.

Earnings from the sale of cinema tickets in China in 2012. grew by a staggering 30 percent at 2.7 billion dollars. Movies with foreign markets, including leading Hollywood were the most watched, with earnings of approximately $ 1.9 billion. Bearing in mind that the American producers of the last year, taking 25, instead of 13 percent of profits, it is clear why China, in the eyes of Americans, the new film force.

Experts say that this boom box-there are several reasons. China was in 2012. increase the quota for the import of foreign films from 20 to 34 works per year, but also a producer credit. Wealthy Hollywood studios previous seasons have devised ever new ways in a variety of ways to make his "protege" insert in the Chinese market, and now they are the job easier. In addition, the cinema ticket in the most populous country in the world costing $ 13, and the range of prices in the United States.

And while Hollywood triumphs, local authors - sigh!

- On the list of the most popular films in China were mostly American blockbusters. Although national authors last year recorded 893 film, and imported only 34, the fight is still unfair - Pen says Kang, a professor at the China Art Academy.

According to him, local authors do not have what you are American - an unlimited budget!

- The money that Hollywood producers invest in filming, Chinese directors can only dream of. Because of their generation "behind" in terms of technology, special effects and other production miracle - explains Kang.

How important is the Chinese market for the Hollywood industry and proving increasingly "consultations" with the censorship boards from the Far East countries. The ruling Communist Party has strict rules about what can be shown on screen. Among other things, it is forbidden to criticize the party, mocking the Chinese people and their culture. The result is throwing scene in which the Chinese appear as murderers, villains or immoral creature that is on my skin felt filmmakers' Skajfol "and" cloud atlas ". In the first two-minute scene was cut from the Chinese - villain, while the "Atlas ..." dumped almost 40 minutes straight and gay love scenes.

While many non-governmental organizations defending "freedom of speech and artistic expression," Hollywood quiet!

- American producers precautionary Chinese called "censors" to see the movie while it is still in the editing process to ensure that their future hit can count on Chinese dollars - the journal "Variety".

While Serbs to seize the leading position "Hollywood villains", the Chinese will, in all likelihood, continue to look just as brave heroes and superheroes.


To help local authors, the Chinese authorities have delayed planned the December premiere two big Hollywood spectacle. "Skayfol" has been pushed back to 21 January, the long-awaited "Hobbit" will be presented 15th February. These measures helped to come to the fore Chinese comedy "Lost in Thailand," which became a hit film, earning $ 160 million impressions a month.

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